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Skipton Town Council announces vacancy for Councillor member

Skipton Town Council announce vacancy for Councillor role

Skipton Town Council has announced a vacancy for a new councillor.

The vacancy comes after former Councillor Richard Judge who served one term as town mayor, was ejected from the council in November.

The new councillor will represent the East Ward in Skipton.

The vacancy will be filled by co-option at the Full Council Meeting on the 20th March 2025.

Candidates must meet the following requirements according to the Town Council:

  • he/she is 18 or over; and
  • he/she is a British citizen or a qualifying Commonwealth citizen;

and at least one of the following apply:

  • he/she is an elector for the Parish and continues to be an elector; or
  • has resided in the Parish for the past twelve months or rented/tenanted land in the Parish; or
  • has had his/her principal or only place of work in the Parish for the past twelve months; or
  • has lived within three miles of the Parish for the past twelve months.

Councillors are unpaid and Skipton Town Council does not generally pay any allowances to its Councillors.

There is a legal requirement to attend meetings.

However the council claim it is possible, though, to become a Councillor alongside a full-time job.

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, you should contact the office for further information.

You can also find information about being a Councillor on the Local Government Association Website

You do not have to represent any political party, individuals can stand in their own right as independent Members of the Council.

If you do wish to represent a political party, you will need to have their approval and should contact them direct.

To apply for the role, you can apply via the form here.

Or for more information about the council and what they do you, click here.


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